Nonprofit and small business software re-imagined.

Comogul is 100% free for all users.

Get a line of business application built just for you just the way you want it.


No subscription fees. No per user fees. Just make a small monthly or quarterly donation.

Comogul is 100% free for all users. We simply ask that you make a small monthly or quarterly donation to help us continue to add new features and maintain the product. There are no charges for access, storage, usage, customization, new features, new reports, or support.

Imagine a line of business application built just for you just the way you want it to work.


Fully Customized CRM Functionality

  • Leads, Prospects, Opportunities

  • Customers, Contacts, Team Members

  • Properties, Locations, Assets

  • Documents, Notes, Reports

  • Activities, Emails, Appointments

  • Projects, Assignees, Workflows

  • Dashboards, Analytics, Automation


Nonprofit and Community Outreach

  • Clients, Families, Volunteers, Donors

  • Properties, Locations, Assets

  • Documents, Notes, Reports

  • Events, Schedules, Participants

  • Targets, Goals, Outcomes, Donations

  • Cases, Case Managers, Close Dates

  • Head of Household, Extended Families


Popular Cloud App Integration

  • Access Your Data Anywhere

  • Export Your Data or Print It

  • Exchange Data With Other Cloud Apps

  • Give Team Members Access

  • Request New Feature As Needed

  • Request New Reports and Dashboards

  • Request Customization as Needed

What is your scenario?

Most businesses and organizations have processes or functions that can be improved and better managed by using a customized software solution.

A customized solution can save time, increase accuracy, reduce duplication, automate repetitive tasks, simplify workflows, and promote productivity.


Established Growing Business 👍

You may work for an established growing business with some function or task that can benefit from customization or automation. The solution you need may look like a customer relationship management (CRM) solution or an integration service application that exchanges data with another cloud application such as Dropbox or Google Calendar.

Technology Optimistic Nonprofit 👋

You may be a Nonprofit that is looking to use cloud technology to better manage clients, donors, volunteers, or empower team members to work more effectively. You may work with a fix budget and have limited or no IT support. You may simply need a proper database to manage and store your data and not have to manipulate excel files and your data manually.

Start-up or New Venture 👏

You may have started a new business or recently added a new product or service to an existing organization. You may be looking for a unique partner to help tweak, customize, or automate the workflow or build real-time actionable dashboards and reports. You may need a way to import your existing data from other sources or cloud applications.


There’s no catch or hidden fees.

Get your customized software solution and get more done.